Monday, April 25, 2016

Meet Bryan Davis

The books of Bryan Davis are targeted for late tweens and teens. His premises tend to be a bit mind-bending (e.g. protagonists who are half human and half dragon), so they aren't for everyone. But the stories are full of action and adventure, making especially a good read for boys.

I'm not sure what attracted me the most to the books of Bryan Davis. I know that I picked up his Dragons in Our Midst series at about the same time as Donita K. Paul's DragonKeeper Chronicles, and I found them great complements to each other: Davis excelled in plot whereas Paul excelled in characters. As a result, to this day, the two series inevitably end up side-by-side on my tables, because together, they provide a wonderful read.

Books sold (currently) by Imagination Investigation:
Raising Dragons
The Candlestone
Circles of Seven
Tears of a Dragon
Eye of the Oracle
Enoch's Ghost
Last of the Nephilim
The Bones of Makaidos
Song of the Ovulum
From the Mouth of Elijah
The Seventh Door
Omega Dragon
Beyond the Reflection's Edge
Eternity's Edge
Nightmare's Edge
Masters & Slayers
Third Starlighter
Exodus Rising

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