Friday, November 26, 2010

The Praise of Scripture: For All He Has Done

Praise be to the Father:

Praise be to Him, who keeps His promises.
Praise be to Him, who made us in His image.
Praise be to Him, who has summoned us by name.
Praise be to Him, who meets all our needs according to His glorious riches.

Praise be to Him, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing.
Praise be to Him, who gave us His indescribable gift.
Praise be to Him, who put His Spirit into our hearts.
Praise be to Him, who gives us new birth.

Praise be to the Son:

Praise be to Him, who laid down his life for his friends.
Praise be to Him, who had no sin and yet became sin for us.
Praise be to Him, who died for us while we were yet sinners.
Praise be to Him, who now acts as our sympathetic mediator.

Praise be to Him, will come again to take us to a place prepared for us.
Praise be to Him, who will carry a good work in us to completion.
Praise be to Him, who is able to keep us from falling.
Praise be to Him, who gives us strength.

Praise be to Holy Spirit:

Praise be to Him, who gives life.
Praise be to Him, who sanctifies us.
Praise be to Him, who guides us into all truth.
Praise be to Him, who testifies we are God’s children.

Praise be to Him, who intercedes for us with inexpressible groans.
Praise be to Him, who reveals what God has prepared for us.
Praise be to Him, who seals us until our redemption.
Praise be to Him, who is with us forever.

Praise be to God, the three-in-one, for all He has done, is doing, and will do!

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