Good craft and good
Bad craft and bad content
Good craft and bad content
Bad craft and good
The first, obviously, are must-read stories that are safe to
read. The second is dangerous theology, but the writing is so bad that no one
would want to read it anyway. But, for better or worse, most fiction falls into
one of the last two categories—into a gray area. So what’s a Christian supposed
to do?
One possible solution is to
completely shun all fiction, film or book. After all, if fiction is so
dangerous, wouldn’t it be safest to cut it completely from our diet?
I admit, fasting from some story types for short periods can be wise. I also know
you might have to limit some stories, like a diabetic limiting sweets. But to cut all
fiction all the time—it would be like
eating bread and water three meals a day, 365 days a year: You can
survive, but why would you eat only that if you don’t have to? Besides, eating
bread and water isn’t exactly the healthiest menu.
So why am I convinced that fiction is necessary to a
balanced diet? Consider these three advantages:
In short, fiction allows us to escape. For a few short hours we enjoy people
we’ve never met and experience places and events few of which we will ever
know, allowing us to leave behind our ordinary world of stress, conflict, and
unpredictability. Then we return to the real world, refreshed from focusing on
another’s problems as if we’ve taken an emotional nap.
I know some people think fiction as escape is a great evil,
and yes, taken to an extreme, it can be dangerous. But so is food. Eaten in
excess (gluttony), it can lead to obesity and to death. But that doesn’t mean
food isn’t good and necessary.
Closely related to escape’s emotional nap is the provision of fresh
perspective. Just as sleeping distances us from a problem (hence the old advice
to “sleep on it”), fiction lifts us above our daily lives. It reminds us those
mountains may be mole hills and grants us hope that despite our current
problems, our story will end well too. After all, Frodo had to pass through
Mordor before he could destroy the ring, and the Pevensie children had to fight
the great battle before they were crowned king and queen of Narnia.
Ever been told to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes? Nothing beats real life
experience, but in a limited way fiction also allows us to do that without
having to directly experience the pain: We watch events unfold, often from
multiple perspectives; feel a character’s frustration, pain, and joy; and
glimpse the why behind the decisions. For a moment we see the world through the
eyes of God, you might say. And while fiction cannot represent reality
perfectly, it lets us gain a shade of understanding as to why a bereaved
parent, rebellious child, and antagonistic lover react the way they do.
More than that, should you find yourself in the same
position as a character, your situation may not seem so overwhelming: You’ve
already “experienced” this once before and have some idea of what to do—and
what not to
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