Titles: Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, Winter
+ companion novella Fairest
Author: Marissa Meyer
Genre: YA Science-fiction Fairytale Retelling
See Part 1 here.

But The
Lunar Chronicles is relatively clean
concerning the most common gray areas, putting it on par with the edgier
books of the Christian market.
Swearing is present, but
kept to a minimum, being restricted (as far as I remember) to damn and a few
variation thereof. And while the uses are not absolutely necessary, it never
distracts from the reading. It makes sense who uses it, as well as how and when
they use it. This makes the swearing understandable and conforms to reality,
even though I personally don’t care much for it.

Also, despite the fairytale foundation, there are not magical or supernatural elements.
Rather, true to its science-fiction world, all the unnatural elements are
provided a scientific explanation, like advanced technology or genetic

That said, The Lunar Chronicles keeps the violence to a dull roar, Scarlet, Fairest, and Winter containing the highest levels.
The violence never seems added in unnecessarily and the descriptions never seem
more graphic than they absolutely have to be. Indeed, several times the author
found ways to “blind” characters so we didn’t have to witness the carnage
firsthand, again allowing the reader to imagine as much or little as desired.
From a thematic side, The Lunar Chronicles raises
many questions worth delving into. Is manipulation ever right? What
makes a human, human? Is doing wrong ever right? Who can be redeemed and how?
Cinder’s rebellion also would provide good discussion material in light of the
biblical mandate of submission to government.
Summary: The Lunar Chronicles is an engaging series, reimagining the familiar
fairy tales in a complex science-fiction world with complicated characters
Moreover, while the content isn’t “safe” per se, it stays well within
justifiable bounds, making this one of the best secular series on the market.
Some caution recommended for those with manipulative or rebellious tendencies.
Highly recommended for fairytale lovers. Overall, an excellent read for older
teens and adults.
Rating: Craft—5, Content—4, Overall—4.5 out of 5 stars
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