The First Principle
Standalone novel?
Marissa Shrock
YA Dystopia
Craft—2, Content—2, Overall—2.7 out of 5 stars
from the first chapter of The
First Principle:

A pregnant teen must decide to either terminate per
government regulations or join a rebellion to protect her baby.
How do I describe The First
Principle? Many adjectives have flitted through my head since I started
reading this book: Flat. One-sided. Agenda-driven. Unflattering terms which
aren’t really fair to this story.
After all, the story has a premise full of foundational
conflict. The protagonist’s voice has a good cadence to it. There are some
likeable characters, and the plot is well-paced with a couple of interesting
Yet, despite all this, I could never pick out the
protagonist’s voice in a crowd; I missed the complex world-building that is
essential to a good dystopia as a good fantasy; and I never sat on the edge of
my seat in suspense. In fact, The
First Principle stirred very little emotion in me despite the emotionally
charged topic.
As a result, I felt like I was merely told a story rather
than invited to live it.
The content of The First Principle,
much like the craft, felt unremarkable to me. Perhaps it’s me, as I’ve heard
these exact same arguments for Christianity and against abortion over and over
and over. So no doubt there’s a place for this story among the next generation.
Still, I longed for more—for a fresh insight or the kind of reminder that makes
me passionately reaffirm what I believe.
This dystopic story also unnerves me as it seems to
reinforce the common Christian-vs.-them mentality many have today, as well as a
quickness to rebel against any authority when the world doesn’t meet our
Yes, there are times when we have to disobey the authorities
when they clearly and directly contradict Scripture. Yes, we are not to love
the world and are at war with the ruler of this world, Satan. Yes, sometimes these views will cause very deep divisions, even to the point of betrayal and abandonment within families. All of these
this story beautifully portrays. Yet with these views already dominating in so
many Christian circles to the extreme, I craved for the counterbalances to be
also given within the story. For we are not at war with the people who
live in this world—or at least, not with very many of them. And how often could
a peaceable solution be found, like in Daniel Chapter 1, if we would only look
for it?
As for other common content issues, this book does focus on
a teenage pregnancy in a dystopic world. As a result, there are a few
references to off-the-page sex, to abortion, to a birth described in low-key
terms, and a few acts of violence—also described non-graphically—along with
non-explicit cursing/swearing. In short, all problematic issues are well
handled and accessible to a fairly young audience.
The First Principle
was an unremarkable book in either craft or content for me. Its content may be
helpful for a few teens, and no doubt many conservative Christians will love
the story because it tells them what they want to hear. But if you want the
thought-provoking or the emotionally engaging, you may have to look elsewhere.
Craft—2, Content—2, Overall—2.7 out of 5 stars
In conjunction with the CSFF Blog Tour, I received a free copy of this book from the publisher.
In conjunction with the CSFF Blog Tour, I received a free copy of this book from the publisher.
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