Title: Two Renegade Realms
Series: Realm Walkers #2Author: Donita K. Paul
Genre: Teen Fantasy
Synopsis: Two realm
walkers try to hunt down a missing wizard before a barbaric invasion begins.
Review: I didn’t enjoy
this book quite as much as book one, but in true Donita K. Paul fashion, the
characters delight and tickle the funny bone in this whimsical adventure.Series: Standalone novel
Author: Donita K. Paul
Genre: Adult Romance (Christmas)
Synopsis: Two coworkers,
oblivious to the other, are given tickets to a magical Christmas ball.
Review: I LOVED this
book!!! It is probably my favorite of all Ms. Paul’s work. Whimsical, sweet,
and laugh-out loud funny, this is the perfect Christmas novella.
Title: The Railway Children
Series: Standalone novelAuthor: E. Nesbit
Genre: Midgrade historical
Synopsis: Three children
have a variety of adventures when, following a tragedy, they discover the joys
of the railway.
Review: A fun,
slightly-episodic read that opens kids’ eyes to the romance of the railway with
a touch of underlying mystery makes a worthwhile read. Series: Standalone/#5 in untitled fairytale series.
Author: Melanie Dickerson
Genre: YA Historical Fairytale Retelling
Synopsis: A princess investigates a foreigner’s wild claims about her suitor.
Review: Loosely connected to the other fairytale retellings by Ms. Dickerson, The Princess Spy is strongly paced with some nice unpredictable twists and character development as they struggle with such issues as justice versus revenge.
Title: The House on Troll Hill
Series: StandaloneAuthor: Donita K. Paul
Genre: Early reader chapter book, fantasy
Synopsis: A gnome realtor tries to sell a house on top of a troll’s head.
Review: This playful story should bring many smiles to a reader’s face, while providing helpful word lists at the beginning of each chapter. However, formatting and other errors are many and may inhibit some readers.
Of course, summer is now upon us—a great time for curling up
with a book. What is on your summer reading list?
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