Title: Storm Siren
Storm Siren Trilogy #1
Mary Weber
YA Fantasy
Yesterday I discussed Storm Siren and how well it was crafted, concluding the story was phenomenally written. However, that is only one half of the equation, which brings me to . . .
The Content: There are basically two types of
Christian novels on the market.
The first is what many associate with “Christian fiction.”
These novels have a clear gospel message, Christian characters dealing with
spiritual matters, strong allegorical parallels to the spiritual, or some other
predominate Christian element that pushes Christ into the center of the story’s
The second is more subtle. In these novels, God often works
behind the stage, and Christ is the foundation of the story, not the focus.
Neither style is wrong, nor is one better—or more Christian—than the other. They simply approach life, story, and readers from different angels.
Storm Siren
seems to lean toward the latter style, at the moment. While God’s presence is
acknowledged and is even integral to the climax of the story, He remains mostly
in the background, possible because the main character’s notion of Him is
somewhat hazy. This means the story’s style could shift in the coming books; it
will be interesting to see how it all plays out.
As a result, Storm
Siren raises many questions while answering only a few. The characters
wrestle with issues as diverse as what makes a person good or bad, free will
versus predestination, the depravity of man, how you handle a gift (especially
its dark side), penance, honoring others, and forgiveness of self.
Concerning other topics of common concern, there is no
graphic sexual content, but several sexual innuendos and references to rape. A
fair amount of swearing/cursing occurs, but it uses a fantasy vocabulary, which
most find less offensive, probably because its odd wording inhibits its use in
the real world. Violence is very strong, dealing not only with typical
fantasy battle violence, but also with more personal violations, such as
demonic possession and especially the issue of cutting.
The supernatural elements in Storm Siren also play a major, as the premise of the story
indicates. However, the supernatural seems to be handled correctly. Much of the
power is genetic, and much like other natural talents, it can be augmented
spiritually by either God or Satan. The other supernatural elements which go
beyond this are clearly shown to be either from Satan or God, with the
appropriate qualities (e.g. a gift from God is uncontrollable).
Finally, these areas of concern combine with the themes to
give the book a dark cast overall. It is not excessive, nor is it inappropriate
given the target audience and the topics tackled. However, it may be a
difficult read for those with a heightened sensitivity to darkness in fiction
or with personal connections to the topics dealt with, such as the cutting.
Storm Siren is a
wonderfully written book that deals with some tough issues and asks some hard
questions. It is not the type of story I would recommend for anyone, and
indeed, this book is not recommended for those
under thirteen. However, depending on your background, level of
discernment, and personal limitations, many will
find this an insightful and worthwhile read.
Craft—5, Content—3,
Overall—4.2 out of 5 stars.
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