Everyone is created by God,
and since God has an infinite amount of creativity, everyone is uniquely made.
Oh, we may share this quirk with that person or that passion with this friend.
But my particular combinations of traits, passions, quirks, skills, gifts, and
talents belong to me alone, while your particular combination belongs to you
alone. Indeed, even identical twins, who share the same genetic code, often
have opposite personalities.
This affects discernment in that we
each have a unique set of strengths and weaknesses, which lead to a unique set
of personal limitations. This doesn’t mean you share none of your
limitations with anyone else. Rather, like with character traits, your
limitations may overlap with others’ in certain areas. Just not in every area.
No one person’s set of limitations will completely apply to another. This
requires each of us to uncover who we are, flag our potential
problems, and then set guardrails—or personal limitations—accordingly.
So what are some of the areas we need to be aware of? The
list is vast, but here are four areas to start your considerations:
- Talents & Gifts: Every strength has a corresponding
weakness. Every gift has a dark side. Every ability can be wielded for harm
as well as good. When something comes naturally for us, the temptation to
depend on and abuse that skill increases, as does the amount of potential
damage. For example, a gifting with words can tear down as well as build
up. Guardrails might include avoiding situations that encourage wrong use
(e.g. spending time with known gossip, in the case with word gifting),
spending time with those who are equally gifted in the same area (iron
sharpens iron, and can help prevent an inflated ego), and learning from/listening
to those different from yourself.
- Passions: We
all have issues that are near and dear to our hearts, things we love and
long to share with the world. These topics, however, tend to be hot
buttons too; a violation of something we are passionate about can also
provoke out-of-control anger or hatred for those who violate that area.
E.g. A love of freedom can become indignation or even rage over violated
rights. A guardrail might be finding a safe environment/method (like
journaling) with which to blow off steam.
- Fear: Fear is a very powerful
motivator, and we will go to great lengths to avoid what scares us. In
some case, our aversion will drive us to do the unpleasant, distasteful,
and even wrong. For example, a fear of failure often pushes us to maintain
the status quo, even when we dislike the status quo. Some guardrails we
can employ might include set times to confront areas of fear and avoiding
media which feeds those fears.
- Fallacies: Closely connected to our fears, we each have lies that we believe. We may know they are lies, but for one reason or another, we can’t convince ourselves of the truth. Often we wonder if we’re the exception or doubt the extent of the truth. Either way, we are easily dragged down when attacked in these areas of vulnerability. E.g. A woman who believes herself unlovable may be tempted to do or endure anything to keep the attention of a guy. As a result, our lies will cause us to pick our company and media carefully—we want to hang around those who reinforce the truth, not the lie.
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