We have learned that good has two aspect: Pleasing
presentation and edifying content. However, understanding what makes a
presentation pleasing or content edifying can still be difficult to figure out.
That’s where Philippians 4:8 in. Here we have a concise definition of the
ideals of good:
“Finally, brothers, whatever is
true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever
is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think
about such things.” Philippians 4:8
However, Philippians 4:8 is also greatly compressed. Our eye
easily slides over the words, our brain reading but not absorbing. Yet each of
these words is a treasure trove. So let’s briefly examine these gems that we
might fully appreciate the beauty of good’s ideal:
True (avlhqh,j / alēthēs): Reflecting
reality. This includes the scientifically sound, the historically accurate, and
those things which affirm moral law. (Moral law: Spiritual laws written into
the universe, e.g. you reap what you sow and the man who sins will die.)
Noble (semno,j
/ semnos): Handling life with seriousness and dignity. Both integrity of
character as well as the dignified treatment of people and subjects are built
into this word.
Right (di,kaioj / dikaios): Conforming to the standards, character, and will
of God. The Ten Commandments are an example of God’s standards; love and
justice are two aspects of God’s character; and conformity to Christ’s
character is one thing God wills for us.
Pure (a`gno,j
/ hagnos): Freedom from contamination. Just as pure gold is 100% gold,
so we should pursue those things free from sin—or will free us from sin—that we
might be 100% Christlike.
Lovely (prosfilh,j
/ prosphilēs): Literally, “toward affection.” Those things which please
the senses and spur the heart toward love and compassion—these are the lovely.
Admirable (eu;fhmoj
/ euphēmos): Gaining a good reputation. While being spoken well of is
not our ultimate aim, it is a virtue worth seeking.
Excellent (avreth, /
aretē): Going over and beyond. Mediocrity is never encouraged in
Scripture. We should aim for the best.
Praiseworthy (evpainoj / epainos): Glorifying God. In the end, it’s all
about Him.
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