It has been my privilege to attend a couple writing conference where John Olson was present and to sit under classes he has taught. He always packed a boatload of information into his lessons, propelled by a wonderful dry sense of humor. And usually there was a story or two about his infamous Christian “vampire” novel that no publisher in the industry would touch with a sixty-foot pole: Shade. (For the full story, check out the acknowledgements page in Shade.)
Anyway, Shade has now finally made it into print and truthfully I don’t understand why it wasn’t published sooner. But more on that in my book review tomorrow.
In the meantime, check out his website for more information about him and his books or stop by some of the other tour participants:
Brandon Barr, Jennifer Bogart , Justin Boyer
Keanan Brand, Kathy Brasby, Valerie Comer
CSFF Blog Tour, Stacey Dale, Janey DeMeo
Jeff Draper, April Erwin, Karina Fabian
Todd Michael Greene, Katie Hart, Joleen Howell
Jason Isbell, Jason Joyner, Kait
Magma, Margaret, Rachel Marks
Melissa Meeks, Rebecca LuElla Miller, Eve Nielsen
Nissa, John W. Otte, Steve Rice
Mirtika or Mir's Here, James Somers
Robert Treskillard, Steve Trower, Speculative Faith
Jason Waguespac, Laura Williams, Timothy Wise
1 comment:
Great picture of you and John at ACFW, Chawna (with your Genesis award, no less. How cool!) He's a good teacher, isn't he.
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