A writing friend once advised me that growing as a writer requires three things: Writing, living, and resting. Since I seem to do things in chunks, these last two weeks have been weeks of living. Haven't gotten a scrap of writing done, as my lack of blogging shows. Instead I've been walking around Monticello, Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown.
Originally I'd thought I would have time to work during evenings at Williamsburg--I mean, how else was I going to fill seven days with only Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown to occupy my time? But there was so much to do that I still didn't have enough time, even though I crammed nearly every minute of those seven days with something! Concerts. Dramas. Interaction with actors who stay within their characters. (It's quite interesting explaining to someone with a 1770's mindset where I live and why two ladies are wandering around unescorted. I'm glad I'm a writer and practiced at making up stuff as I go :o)
But now I can get back on track and back to blogging. I'll try to have my normal Monday post up tomorrow. In the meantime, the proof of my activity--a few pictures of the six hundred I took on this trip.


Yorktown Battlefield:

Replica ships docked at the Jamestown Settlement:

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