Friday, April 22, 2016

Meet Stephen Lawhead

Stephen Lawhead and his work will not need any introduction to voracious readers of fantasy and science-fiction. He has written a wide variety of books, ranging from pure fantasy to science-fiction, for both the Christian and secular markets. But he is best known for his mixture of legend and history, written with a literary edge.

Personally, I have never read his Pendragon Cycle, for which he is most famous for, largely because I am not a fan of Arthurian legend. But I have read other works of his over the years. While some of his books push the edges of content in a variety of ways, he doesn't seem to overstep in any the most important ways, and I appreciate his intricate prose, which amazingly does not bog down the plot, like so many literary-styled books, but actually enhances the vividness of the stories.

Books carried by Imagination Investigation:
The Skin Map
The Bone House
The Spirit Well
The Shadow Lamp
The Fatal Tree

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