Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2011 Goals

Each January I enjoy writing out new goals for the coming year. It’s a task that I find helpful in clearing my mind, even though I know I won’t make everything on the list—I inevitably wish to achieve more than is possible, not to mention the unpredictable flow of life.

Nevertheless, there’s something invigorating in stopping and asking, “What should I be doing?”

For some reason, this allows me to review my actions and refocus on the target—what God wants me to do—in a nonthreatening way.
So here are five of the writing goals I’ve set for myself this year:
1. Read sixty books

2. Complete revisions on current WIP

3. Attend one writing conference

4. Write first draft on a new WIP

5. Listen to a class on marketing and brainstorm a marketing plan
Will I achieve all these goals? Only time will tell.

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